Would you want to present like George Clooney in your videos? I know I would.
There must be a secret to presenting on camera like he does otherwise everyone would be doing it. Right?
Yes, there is a secret but it is not one thing that knocks everything out of the ballpark. I’m afraid there is no magic pill, silver bullet or golden key.
And it has nothing to do with what you say on camera.
The secret is simple.
It’s the secret that really popular kids at school and true leaders know. Well, they may not really know it but they do it because they are it.
Fortunately, we know it.
Here is what they do:
- They really like other people.
- They smile much more than others, and their smile is authentic.
- And they create trust by looking people straight in the eye.
That is the secret. That is how we have to present on camera for our videos to be successful.
How does this help us?
It gives us two immediate take-aways:
- Speak directly to your viewer. Speak to a real person.
- And smile.
Not a fake smile, though; it has to be an authentic smile.
Here, it helps, of course, if you like other people.
As an aside, between you and me, this is also the key that help us unlock how to use not just the other presenting tips to best effect but way more than that.
For instance, we’ve seen many times in this A to Z of Video for Professional Services, that our videos have to add value to our audience.
Liking other people helps here, doesn’t it?
It also makes it a lot easier to be interested in your audience rather than trying to be interesting.
More presenting tips
Face your audience, and speak to the person right behind the camera.
Don’t slouch. Your posture needs to be straight. It gives you a lot more energy. You may sit or stand, that depends entirely on you but it must be straight.
Speak with confidence. When you are energetic and speak with passion for your topic, your confidence will come across.
Look your best and overact. Not violently but slightly. It will definitely heighten your presence on camera.
Check in the mirror that your hair is in place and your clothes sit right. Especially for men, checking your appearance in the mirror is not vanity but part of respecting your audience.
Gesticulate. Move your hands but don’t flap them about. Use them to add emphasis to your words.
Don’t drone. Speak clearly, modulate your voice and watch your pace. 150 words per minute will do nicely.
Speak freely about your subject.
I don’t recommend using a script and an autocue. Unless you are an experienced professional who can make a text appear spoken while reading it, your performance will be inauthentic and stilted.
If you need notes, write a few bullet points to remind you of what you want to say. Consult them before you go on camera, then put them aside and speak freely.
And, of course, practice, practice, practice.
I know, it sounds forbidding at the outset and seems to require a lot of attention to detail. It does. That is part of the secret but once you acquire the habit, it becomes easy and, eventually, second nature.
And then, George won’t have anything on you.
You may also want to check my discussion of presenting tips in Fear of Video.
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