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What If They Don’t Like Me?

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What happens if your website visitors don’t like you when you speak to them on your website? Will this kill your business?

This fear is understandable. But it is totally misplaced if your video is correctly produced. Quite on the contrary.

We all know that not everyone will like us. Why, then, should every website visitor like us in our videos?

When they don’t like us on our website, are they likely to contact us? No, of course not. But what does this really mean?

It means that the proportion of our ideal clients among those who contact us increases. Those who don’t like us won’t be in touch, so we don’t have to deal with reluctant or recalcitrant clients. They waste neither their time nor ours.

Which sets us free to work more with people who want to work with us. And this in turn will increase our bottom line and the fun factor in our work.

How many of your clients are your ideal clients? Would you like more of them?

To arrange a free consultation how your business can harness the most powerful online attraction tool bar none, call us now on 020 8133 2352 or email max (at) videomagnets.co.uk.

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