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How to Find the Right Content for Your Videos

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What should I talk about in my videos, where do I find content, and how much content should I give away?

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Successful content

Successful content is not a random catalogue of topics that we hit on just like that. Content that hits the sweet spot has to have three dimensions:

  • It has to have a purpose ,
  • It has to be formulated for our target audience, and
  • It must address the problems that our services solve.

Together, these three dimensions give us what we should be talking about; they make our content stand out, come alive, they make it real.

When we are really clear about our purpose, target audience and the breadth and depth of problems we solve, we take our whole catalogue of possible topics and run it through the space defined by these three dimensions.
Whatever fits, that is what we should talk about.

Where do we find our topics?

It seems daunting but is really easy:

We simply take

  • Our Frequently Asked Questions,
  • Our HOW-TO questions and
  • Our client testimonials.

That should give us enough topics for at least two years of fresh, weekly content without even having to think about what we should create.

Does the idea of 100 videos look scary?

Let’s take it apart:

  • How many FAQs do you have? Not enough? Ask your clients what they would like to know.
  • Can you get 10 clients to give you a video testimonial in the course of 2 years?
  • How many How-To questions do clients, prospects and others ask you? Collect these questions.

I am absolutely certain that, once you have started collecting topics, even more will come along.

Let me give you an example:
A-Z: Content exampleI once consulted with a dentist who had absolutely no idea what he could talk about in his videos. I timed it: It took us 2 minutes from starting to identify areas for topics to coming up with 13 questions on just one topic. How many questions would you have on the topic of teeth whitening?

By the way, this approach also defines the content we should not talk about: naked self-promotion, straightforward selling and the typical corporate style video. If you are not quite sure what I mean by this, check out my videos on WIIFM and Corporate Video in this series A-Z of Video for Professional Services.

Now let’s wrap up with the final question:

How much content should I give away?

Give away as much information as you possibly can.

‘Won’t that diminish the value of the information I provide?’ I hear you ask.

Not at all. All it will achieve is create informed clients who will know and, therefore, appreciate what you are doing for them. And what is more satisfying than working with clients like these?

So, create as many video as you possibly can BUT, and this is a very important point, always address only one problem or question in each video.
If the question is complex, break it up into small, individual questions, and create one video for each topic. Your viewers will thank you for it.

Finally, shape your content. Give it structure, make it compelling, and focus on its purpose. If you want to know more about this, I’ve created separate videos for you on structure, purpose and storytelling.

Do you have any further questions? Would you like me to cover specific topics in future videos? Do you wish to be notified when the next video in this series will be published? I’ll be delighted to answer all these questions and will reply as quickly as possible. Just use the form below to get in touch.

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